Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Bogor,Rain, and my first love

*Untuk yang nagih postingan sayah.. setelah mbuka2 folder lama akhirnya ketemu juga tulisan2 sayah..:)

Bogor,Rain, and my first love 

Feb 11 02 2010

Iseng: Mencoba mengungkapkan dengan bahasa inggris

Perasaan biasa hal2 biasa yang selalu tampak luaar biasa dimata dian, sampai akhirnya orang2 disekeliling dian akan berkata ‘dasar lebay’ ha ha.. just being the natural me I guess..^^ (LOL)

Bogor, do you remember ?..  I guess is one of the city that on the top of most beloved city ever in my list. Because to many things happened there, when I was in my bachelor study. Every time I remember Bogor, I will directly remember ‘rain’. Bogor is a city with high rate of rainy season. That’s explain thousand years old tree with huge bark and wide diameter in Bogor botanic garden.


Since the first time I lived in bogor, I always admire Bogor as city with lots of tree and big one. I think this is because I lived nearby the Bogor botanic garden. From my flat I Just need to walk for two to three minutes, across the street I can see the Garden. The Botanic Garden that grown trees from all over the world, awesome.


(mexico park, inside Bogor botanic garden, from http://www.bogorbotanicgardens.org/images_slide/Mexico3.jpg )

Bogor and my first love: what is left in my memory?.The place that I had my first love. Falling in love which symptom was the increasing of dopamine. A kind of Euphoria that came suddenly. And there is it, the smile is suddenly there even when I didn’t realized.


I always happy when the rain comes (Just like the song:  I only happy when it rain J). I know, I just know that the next day it will be our meeting. I feel excited in the night. I can’t wait till the next morning to come. Because it’s the time that we will meet. I know that I will find you in the place that you used  to be. Even if you don’t tell me I know, I just know J where I can find you. I guess this what they call love, you can’t explain it, you just feel it.


The next day I was anxious to find you. I walk with a cheerful steps and a smiley face. I felt the dopamine is increasing when I near to the meeting point. I know you will wait me there as always. I will remember this time the happiness and the joyful when I meet you J.


Picture of  you  My first love

note: sampai link "my first love"di atas anda klik, baru anda akan mengerti postingan ini ^^V

Semoga bermanfaat.. 

6 komentar:

  1. "I guess is one of the city that on the top of most beloved city ever in my list"
    I agree with this statement ^___^

  2. iya miftah... one of our beloved city yahhh ^___^V. hu hu lucu aja klo inget yang dulu dulu :)

  3. there is one thing forgotten..
    I like oyster mushrooms satay :D

  4. He he.. goood.. mau duuung icip icip.... ^____^

  5. menu andalanku ma @avicena1986 kalo ke SSS :D
    *Spesial Susu Segar, Sate jamur tiram ma susu sapi jahe (nyummy)

  6. Mauuuuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu -__-"

    mifta kirim kesini yahhhh he he :) ...
